Empower your organization towards a climate-resilient future

Equip your team with the interpersonal tools, interdisciplinary knowledge, and resilience skills needed to respond to the climate crisis and drive meaningful change.

Practical Outcomes

Expand Positive Socio-Environmental Impact

Addressing global issues like climate change and biodiversity loss necessitates a shift in the way we consider corporate social responsibility. Efforts to make a difference may feel futile due to delayed results and complex processes. We guide you in identifying impactful actions to position your organization for meaningful, sustainable change.

Alignment with Climate Ethics, Codes, and Standards

Interpreting of ethical codes and professional standards as they relate to climate change is an complex task. We assist our clients in translating this information into robust internal systems that go beyond traditional concepts of corporate sustainability.

Conceptualize and Plan for Climate Futures

Conceptualizing climate adaption strategies at an organizational level is often overlooked due to complexity, uncertainty, and the rapid pace of the professional world. We help our clients envision realistic climate futures to ensure long-term success in a climate changed world.

Deepen Team Cohesion and Autonomy

Remote work, intensifying social issues, and eco-anxiety can diminish team cohesion and engagement as well as lead to apathy and burnout. Climate Paradigm has adopted frameworks from climate psychology, climate coaching, and deep ecology tailored to increasing your team's capacity to collaborate towards meaningful social impact.

Attract and Retain Top Talent

Today's workforce is increasingly prioritizing culture, mission, and compassionate management in their job choices. We equip leaders with modern language, social perspective, and interpersonal tools to enhance their ability support their team's psychological well-being.

Decolonize your organization

TRC Call to action #92 asks the corporate sector to "adopt the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a reconciliation framework and to apply its principles, norms, and standards to corporate policy and core operational activities involving Indigenous peoples and their lands and resources." Although Climate Paradigm does not directly run workshops on decolonization, it is inherently embedded in what we do. We recommend that our clients build relationship(s) with local Indigenous consultants / facilitators in conjunction with work done by Climate Paradigm to ensure that decolonization efforts remain at the heart of shifts in corporate culture.

Why Us?

Climate Paradigm Collaborative has developed a unique interdisciplinary approach to corporate climate consultation that lies at the intersect between systems engineering, climate psychology, regenerative economics, decolonization, and environmental philosophy.
We empower our clients / collaborators with modern frameworks and language suited to navigating the climate crisis (polycrisis), maximizing your social impact, and developing mental resilience within your organization.
We achieve this through tailored workshops, embedded consultation, individual coaching, and training, ultimately helping your team find greater cohesion, mental ease, autonomy, and decisiveness in amidst the climate emergency.
We prioritize making the language from these highly academic fields accessible to a wide range of people with different cultural backgrounds, levels of education, and understanding of global issues.
We also have a deep understanding of typical challenges / gaps associated with transformational corporate coaching and climate consulting where overly dominant narratives and one-off transactional relationships present themselves as a barrier to making lasting change.

Our Clients - Who Should Work With Us?

We specialize in guiding product and consultancy-oriented organizations that want to enhance the positive socio-ecological impact of their work. We help to ensure that our clients will be well-positioned for economic, ecological, and psychological sustainability in an continuously evolving world. Although specializing in supporting STEM professionals and leadership we are happy to work with a wide range of individuals / organizations:

” We need to grieve for our planet and tap into our sense of love and connection that underlies that grief. We as human beings need to show up and stay present when facing the crisis. We may never see the ultimate outcome of our work but cannot let this deter our sense of hope nor our collective determination. The most radical thing any of us can do at this time is to be fully present to what is happening in the world “

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